How Long Should I Wait to Hold Baby Rosy Boa After Eating

The Rosy Boa – Charina trivirgata – is increasingly becoming more popular today considering of how docile they usually are, and how like shooting fish in a barrel it is to take care of this snake.

Yous can run into a lot of beginner reptile owners starting out by taking intendance of Rosy Boas.

Still, taking care of a Rosy Boa involves not only feeding them right only also making certain y'all are giving them a the right captive habitat, that is similar to what they feel in the wild.

That said, here is my guide about how to properly accept care of a Rosy Boa, feel free to leap to any section by clicking on the table of contents below:

  1. Enclosure
    • Enclosure for new built-in & juvenile rosy boas
    • Enclosure for Adult Rosy Boas
  2. Substrate
  3. Heating
  4. Light
  5. Shelter
  6. Water
  7. Humidity
  8. Enclosure Maintenance
  9. Feeding
    • Type and Size of Casualty
    • Frozen vs. Alive
    • Feeding Frequency
  10. Shedding
  11. Hibernation
  12. Handling your Rosy Boa
  13. Mutual Issues
    • Why isn't my Rosy Boa eating?
    • Why did my Rosy Boa regurgitate its nutrient?
    • Are Rosy Boas prone to respiratory issues?
  14. Concluding Words
  15. Sources


The first stride to creating the perfect Rosy Boa environs is by choosing the right enclosure and cleaning information technology regularly because of the very fact that the enclosure will serve as its simply habitat for possibly 99% of its entire lifetime.

Enclosure for new born & juvenile rosy boas

Rosy Boas give nascency to alive immature, which means that you no longer have to wait for eggs to hatch.

The moment that the baby Rosy Boas are built-in, they are already large and sufficient plenty to live on their ain without relying on their mother.

Juvenile Rosy Boas, when built-in, are somewhere betwixt 10 to 12 inches long already. That means that yous should requite the private snakes their ain enclosures.

baby rosy boa

I recommend the Exo Terra Brusk All Glass Terrarium because of how secured enough it is that Rosy Boas won't exist able to find small gaps where they could escape:

Exo Terra Curt Terrarium (18x18x12)

  • Front access will stress your animal a lot less than enclosures opening from the top
  • Completely escape-proof
  • Well designed ventilation
  • Convenient inlets for heating cables, without whatever visible wires.
Exo Terra Short All Glass Terrarium, 18 by 18 by 12-Inch

It also gives yous openable front end access that you lot can use in case you have a stressed-out young Rosy Boa that may end up biting if you try to get likewise close to it, especially when approaching from to a higher place (like to predator behaviour in the nature).

It also comes with special inlets you tin can use to place heating elements without exposing the wires, which looks better and is safer.

Enclosure for Adult Rosy Boas

Rosy Boa owners tend to employ the aforementioned enclosures for their snake since it was yet a juvenile Rosy Boa. That's because Rosy Boas tend to grow quick enough that you may want to keep it in an developed-sized enclosure the moment it is built-in.

Of grade, it can be stressful for a snake if you allow information technology to arrange to a new environment or enclosure once over again subsequently on when information technology'south already an adult.

adult rosy boa head

For those looking for a fantastic adult Rosy Boa enclosure, I recommend this Repti Zoo Glass Terrarium:

ReptiZoo 50 Gallons Glass Tank (36x18x18)

  • Raised bottom frame for substrate heater
  • Completely escape-proof
  • Forepart admission with independent doors for stress costless handling & feeding time
REPTI ZOO 50 Gallon Reptile Glass Tank Terrarium

At 50 gallons, it is more than than enough to house more than one Rosy Boa. It comes with a secured lock, front access windows, and good ventilation that will allow your snake to live comfortably.

Meanwhile, it as well allows you to install your heating elements easily.


The substrate is i of the most of import parts of the Rosy Boa's entire enclosure or habitat because it provides them with a natural living space that is similar to what they feel in the wild.

Moreover, the substrate is too used for regulating the temperature and humidity in the enclosure, and provides a medium for your snake to burrow in if needed.

Your Rosy Boa will prefer whatever kind of substrate so long as yous are non using a substrate that is too fine because it might get into its eyes or respiratory system.

Y'all may want to use ZooMed Aspen Snake Bedding because it is easy to clean and comes from renewable sources.

ZooMed Aspen Snake Bedding

  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to clean with a scooper and replace
  • No dust to cause respiratory issues
  • Snakes enjoy burrowing in it
  • Ecological product
zoomed aspen snake bedding

But we do besides like ReptiChip's kokosnoot husk (bank check it out here) if yous prefer the look and feel.

The pros of using the ZooMed substrate are that it is environmentally friendly and easy to make clean but information technology might end upwardly condign too fine for your serpent. Meanwhile, ReptiChip isn't fine but it might not be as easy to make clean, or dig through as a effectively substrate.

Whatever the case may be, delight do add about ii inches of the substrate to your Rosy Boa'due south enclosure considering these snakes prefer to burrow to continue themselves hidden because they can get quite nervous and likely to spend some time under the substrate.


Because Rosy Boas require places that are quite warm (since they are used to warm coastal and desert areas), yous need to provide enough rut for your ophidian within its enclosure.

Of form, you demand a estrus slope within the enclosure in the sense that there should be a warm side and a cooler side.

On the warmest side of the enclosure, the temperatures should be about eighty to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, the cooler side of the enclosure should exist around 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

The best way to rut Rosy Boa'southward enclosure is to add a heating pad on i side. That side should be the warmest part of the entire enclosure while the excess heat coming from the pad should put the cooler side at somewhere between 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

You lot can utilize this affordable heat pad for your Rosy Boa enclosure:

Tikaton Reptile Heat Pad

  • But uses 8 Watts of electricity to operate
  • Power adjustable so you tin apply it in x up to 50 gallons enclosure.
  • Zero gamble of burning your snake

Some people use a ceramic heating bulb to proceed their Rosy Boa's enclosure warm enough simply I don't ever recommend that y'all do so because of information technology can dry up the unabridged enclosure faster than rut pads, can be a safety chance if setup improperly, and consumes a lot more free energy.

It is all-time to use a ceramic heating bulb if you alive in a northern area with temperatures that are close to freezing. Yous would need to mist the enclosure amore oftentimes to increase the humidity, specially when shedding.

reptitemp digital thermostat

Of form, it is important for you to go along a thermostat inside the enclosure so that you will be able to monitor the warmth of the Rosy Boa's habitat.

If it gets too hot, it will automatically plow the heating off.

Meanwhile, if it gets too cool, it will turn it on to maintain the right temperature, where you place the sensor (place it in the warm zone, and ready the thermostat to the hot temperature of your gradient: 80 to 85 degrees F.

Zoo Med Reptitemp Thermostat

  • Built in memory stores settings in case of power failure.
  • Temperature control range: 50F to 122F
  • Very reliable & easy to setup

Use this thermostat if yous want to take a keen manner of monitoring the enclosure's heat as ZooMed ReptiTemp is very simple to utilize, yet information technology'due south reliable and all you demand from a good reptile thermostat.


adult rosy boa's head

While some reptiles do require UV lights to become healthy, the Rosy Boa gets enough vitamin D from food.

Equally such, there is no need for you lot to utilise a UVB bulb for your Rosy Boa'south enclosure yet a well lit enclosure is nice to wait at, and you can use a neon bulb or a cool and affordable LED strip like this one if you desire.

Some keepers use a basking bulb that your snake can use when it wants to proceed itself warm in the warmest side of the enclosure simply make sure that you monitor the heat from the basking bulb actually well and that it is not too close to the surface of the enclosure so every bit to preclude peel burns to your snake.


Rosy Boas are reclusive snakes that prefer beingness left alone. In short, they like hiding because it allows them to experience safe and secure considering that they are non the largest snakes out in that location and tin can even so accept natural predators in the wild.

young rosy boa hiding in a coconut

This is why it is important for you to provide décor that can act as shelter for your Rosy Boa. You lot can use Zoo Med's good looking Reptile Shelter to act as a rock or cavern-like shelter for your snake:

Zoo Med Reptile Shelter 3 in 1 Cave, Medium

  • Piece of cake to open and make clean
  • Keeps humidity well for shedding

This one is like shooting fish in a barrel to clean and open, while looking proficient. Merely you can also utilise natural decorative pieces such as driftwood or large rocks, half a coconut, or annihilation that can act as shelter for your Rosy Boa.


Rosy Boas need fresh water all the time but they practice best when they exercise not take access to continuous h2o. The reason why they need fresh water ofttimes is that they need to go along themselves constantly hydrated in a warm and somewhat dry habitat.

Meanwhile, we recommend that you do non exit a abiding source of water within the enclosure because of how this can exist a breeding ground for bacteria.

That said, yous tin can add a fresh and clean water dish once every unmarried twenty-four hour period or maybe even once every 2 days. You can take the dish out at night and then replace it the next morning.

But make sure that yous always clean the dish and put clean and fresh h2o in it. Always use natural disinfectants or mild dish lather to clean the water dish.

Repti Zoo Medium Water Dish

  • Made of resin: looks skillful and doesn't hands tip over
  • Matches well most terrarium decors
reptizoo medium water dish

For the water dish, I recommend the Reptizoo Reptile Food Dish above because it adds a nice natural touch to the entire enclosure.


The truth is that Rosy Boas don't thrive in somewhat humid environments because the coasts and deserts of California, Baja California, and Arizona tend to be quite dry.

However, that doesn't mean that you should go along the unabridged enclosure completely dry.

You should all the same mist the enclosure well plenty from time to time to keep the humidity at a level that is not too dry.

But make sure that the humidity levels are a fleck higher when the serpent is shedding because the extra moisture in the air will allow it to shed its skin meliorate.

During a shed, it is good to apply something like Sphagnum Moss to increase the humidity levels inside the Rosy Boa'due south hiding place. It is all-time to add information technology within the snake'south hiding cave.

Terrarium Sphagnum Moss

  • Long-Lasting: Long-Cobweb and Leafy Light-green Sphagnum Moss
  • Loftier Absorbency: Controls Tropical & Wetland Humidity
  • Sustainable: Ecologically Regulated Harvests
sphagnum moss for terrariums

Enclosure Maintenance

Of course, in order to keep your Rosy Boa happy and healthy you demand to make sure that it lives in a clean and germ-free surround so that the chances of germs, bacteria, and parasites causing diseases and health problems would subtract. And you lot can do that with proper enclosure maintenance.

Here are some cleaning tips that should exist helpful for you:

  • Remove the ophidian from the principal enclosure and house it a backup tank or have someone else handle it.
  • Remove any of the decorations and the substrate from the enclosure and spot-clean the entire tank.
  • Later on spot-cleaning, utilise a mild solution that is reptile-friendly. You may want to apply a water and vinegar solution if you don't have a reptile-safe non-toxic cleaning product on hand. Spray the enclosure with the product or solution and then wipe it off using a clammy towel.
  • Dry the entire enclosure using a clean and dry towel. Exit the enclosure open to air-dry for about a mean solar day before yous return the substrate and the decorations dorsum within.
  • Return the snake once everything is dorsum in order.

Meanwhile, as to the substrate, it is best to replace it about every four months or so to brand sure that information technology is as clean equally possible.

You lot can spot-make clean the substrate if it hasn't reached the 4-month marking all the same only it is best to supercede it once it has reached 4 months within the enclosure.


Feeding your Rosy Boa with the right kind of nutrient at the correct sizes and feeding schedule will go a long fashion into making sure that your snake stays good for you and happy throughout its unabridged life.

In that regard, here are the things you should know about how to properly feed your snake.

Blazon and Size of Casualty

Ane of the reasons why Rosy Boas are comparatively easier to take care of compared to other snake species is the fact that they are usually not too picky when information technology comes to nutrient.

Rosy Boas volition stay healthy and happy when fed a nutrition that but consists of domesticated mice.

Nonetheless, if you want, you tin mix the nutrition up with a few gerbils or hamsters every now and then.

Rosy Boas can thrive on a diet of frozen pinky mice because they are built-in already big enough to really feed on these mice.

However, yous have to wait until the offset shed of the infant Rosy Boa before y'all feed it.

That may exist somewhere between 7 to 10 days subsequently it was born. From at that place, information technology is safe to feed your baby Rosy Boa with pinky mice by introducing it in its enclosure or by poking the snake a fleck with its food using a pair of forceps or tweezers.

The bigger the juvenile Rosy Boa is, the larger its meal should be.

Meanwhile, adult Rosy Boas should be able to thrive on full-grown domesticated mice. Nigh Rosy Boas would demand virtually 30 grams of domesticated mice every repast.

This can be equal to a large domesticated adult mouse in virtually cases. As long as your serpent is more than than 170 grams, it is best to feed information technology with 24 to 30 grams of mice regardless of whether they may exist adult mice or fuzzy mice.

Frozen vs. Live

In that location has been a lot of talk regarding whether you should feed your Rosy Boas with frozen food or with live prey. Yet, there are some arguments that may end up leading you to lean towards frozen food. But permit's wait at the dissimilar pros and cons of each argument.

For those who prefer to feed their snakes with frozen food, you are going to have an easy time storing them because you can simply go on the frozen mice within a freezer that's dedicated to your serpent food.

rosy boa eating a pinky mouse

This allows you to accept a abiding supply of food for your ophidian. Frozen food is too safer for your snake because of the very fact that it won't fight back (considering that they are already expressionless).

It is also more than humane for yous to feed your snake with frozen food because the rodents no longer have to suffer pain when fed to the snake.

On the other mitt, there are Rosy Boas that are then used to their hunting instincts that they won't readily accept frozen mice. It might accept a few pokings for you to actually convince the snake to consume its nutrient.

Meanwhile, alive prey is easier to feed to your Rosy Boa considering snakes are more than accustomed to hunting for their food. And so, as soon as the snake sees that the rodent is moving, it is more than likely to effort to gun it down itself in a way that seems natural for the snake.

Withal, at that place are a lot of cons regarding feeding your snake with live prey.

Outset off, rodents will try to defend themselves and may cease up injuring your snake, which isn't something you lot would want to happen to your Rosy Boa.

Second, storage space volition exist difficult for y'all if you prefer to go on alive prey for your snake considering y'all need to have a split up living space for your rodents (escape tin likewise be a possibility for them).

And, finally, it doesn't seem too humane for y'all to keep alive rodents simply so they tin can serve as food for your serpent while suffering at the easily of your Rosy Boa.

All that said, it may seem better for you to lean towards frozen food even though they don't seem to be quite natural for your snake to eat. But, later thawing the frozen rodents, all yous need to do is to attempt to poke your snake using its nutrient so that it volition eventually have it.

Sooner or afterward, your Rosy Boa won't be equally picky of an eater as it once was.

Feeding Frequency

Post-obit a proper feeding schedule is necessary for your Rosy Boa because you don't want it to go malnourished or underfed when y'all don't feed it properly or too fatty when you tend to overfeed it.

Baby Rosy Boas are supposed to be fed a lot more oft because they need the extra calories for growing.

For younger and smaller Rosy Boa infants, feed them with a single pinky mouse every 4 to v days.

As the snakes grow bigger and older, you tin increase the count to 2 pinky mice every iv to 5 days.

You can slowly transition your juvenile Rosy Boas from about 2 or 3 pinky mice per meal to 1 fuzzy mouse. Feed a juvenile Rosy Boa a small fuzzy mouse every 5 to vi days. You lot tin can increment the number of mice as the snake grows bigger and older but make sure to follow the same schedule.

Meanwhile, in one case the ophidian has reached adulthood, you should be feeding it with full-grown domesticated mice regularly.

Male Rosy Boas tend to survive longer without food compared to females as they may be able to proceed without eating for 14 days.

However, make sure that yous feed a male Rosy Boa with a full-grown adult mouse once every 7 to 14 days.

On the other paw, female person Rosy Boas should exist fed the aforementioned repast every 6 to 8 days considering they tend to be bigger than their male person counterparts and are going to go hungry faster.


snake skin shed

Like about other snakes, Rosy Boas volition continue to abound equally they historic period. That means that they demand to shed their peel so that they tin grow new skin to conform their growing bodies. Every bit such, expect your Rosy Boa to shed maybe once every 3 months depending on how fast it grows.

The best kind of surroundings to provide a snake when it is shedding is a stress-complimentary environment that has plenty humidity. Rosy Boas that are shedding adopt to hibernate so that they will feel secure nether such a stressful time.

That's why hide boxes or caves are necessary for shedding snakes. Meanwhile, increase the humidity of the enclosure by spraying it more than oftentimes because the extra moisture in the air will allow the Rosy Boa to shed its skin painless.

E'er check your snake to see if has already peeled all of its skin. Yous would know that your serpent was able to peel its skin properly if the peeled-off skin is more or less intact and was not peeled in increments.

Remove the shed skin every bit soon as possible to prevent whatsoever infections.

Meanwhile, there are some cases when there is unpeeled peel around the optics of the snake. You may allow the snake to shed that part off past increasing the humidity in the enclosure.

However, because unpeeled skin can cause infections and other issues, you may desire to remove it yourself by gently handling the snake and using clean easily to peel the skin off.

Rosy boas that are at the end of their shedding season are more receptive to getting handled because they accept already peeled off most of their erstwhile peel.


rosy boa hibernating

Rosy Boas often experience winters in the wild because they live in America, where winter volition happen at the stop of the year. That's why information technology is normal for Rosy Boas to hide during the wintertime, which should concluding for about 10 weeks.

Notwithstanding, in captivity, we do not recommend that you allow your Rosy Boa to hide considering there is no demand for them to practise so unless y'all want them to breed.

Hibernation should only exist promoted if you want to breed your Rosy Boas afterward they wake upwards from hibernation.

Just if you don't want your serpent to hibernate, keep the temperatures up during the winter.

Still, y'all volition find a flake of inactivity from your ophidian during winter due to the reduced low-cal cycle and the temperature changes. It is quite normal for the Rosy Boa to look quite tired and less likely to consume during wintertime.

Handling your Rosy Boa

rosy boa in a beginner's hands

Rosy Boas are very easy to handle considering these snakes are docile and a lot calmer compared to other snake species. They rarely even bite at all and are more probable to submit to your handling once they take already gotten used to the surround. Here are some tips on handling a Rosy Boa:

  • Don't handle a Rosy Boa that is still adjusting to its new environment.
  • If y'all find that your Rosy Boa is looking stressed, don't attempt to handle information technology. This includes the time when information technology is meaning or is shedding.
  • Handle your Rosy Boa maybe a few hours a calendar week for proper socialization.
  • Don't handle a Rosy Boa maybe 2 days before and after eating.
  • Allow the Rosy Boa to have a bit of freedom in your easily while you are treatment it. A tight enough grip will scare it and cause it to musk you. But exist certain to have a grip firm enough to foreclose it from dropping to the ground.

Common Problems

Why isn't my Rosy Boa eating?

A Rosy Boa that isn't eating may be suffering from an illness or a disease or is not used to eating frozen nutrient. Try taking information technology to the vet if there are signs of illnesses or diseases. If there aren't any, try poking it with its nutrient using a pair of forceps.

I also accept a more than complete article about the reasons why your rosy boa may not want to eat.

Why did my Rosy Boa regurgitate its nutrient?

If your Rosy Boa is healthy and information technology regurgitated its food, it only ways that you lot gave it more than nutrient than it could handle.

Are Rosy Boas prone to respiratory problems?

Similar any reptile, the Rosy Boa is prone to respiratory problems if you let information technology to live in an surroundings that is a flake too cold or humid for it. Go along the temperatures steady and make certain that the enclosure isn't besides humid for the snake.

Final Words

Rosy Boas are fun snakes, there are great rosy boa morphs bachelor and they may be easier to take care of than other snake species but that doesn't hateful that you shouldn't know the basics of how to take care of them.

This is why post-obit this guide will brand you a responsible pet owner for your Rosy Boa. Only if you do take some questions and opinions, feel free to leave them in the annotate section so that I can go back to you as soon as I can.


  • Rosy Boa – Tucson Herp social club
  • Motility and Space Apply by Coastal Rosy Boas (Lichanura trivirgata roseofusca) in Coastal Southern California (James E. Diffendorfer, Carlton Rochester, Robert North. Fisher and Tracey K. Brown)
  • Beast Diverseness – Charina trivirgata


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